Hello........... " BONGAIGAON "


Well Come To Therapeutic group

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

I hope that as I move into this next decade of my life experience I can live with value and integrity, engaged and present in all interactions I am blessd to experience. I also have a big birthday coming up so I too have looked over my life and what I have done and what I want to do and it always comes back to how satisfied I am with all of the pieces of life. It has been a long year of redistributing my time and resources, cleaning out the weeds, and expressing my highest ideal as often as possible- It is a daily journey for me to live in a way that I can feel connected, feel authentic, and feel that I am at one with all of those around me.
I like that you use the word Significance. I believe that we are all looking for meaning in this life and that it manifests in different lifestyles for each of us. I believe in the notion that every single person wants to feel Loved, and therefore that their life has Meaning or that they are Significant in some way- as a part of something greater than themselves. This can show up in their relationships, their careers, or their hobbies- for me the “significant based action” is a broad stroke on the canvas and that the details will depend on the individual. I don’t see it as a barrier at all- if it is based on a Virtue not a Goal or Expectation of Achievement.
People do not strive for Mediocrity- they strive for Validation, for Meaning, for Love and Significance. It is all the same thing for me.
What is my barometer?
My religion is Love. Plain and simple. Love each and every person (including myself) with honor, respect, without jealousy or pride, an open heart, without shame or contempt, each and every second of the day. Do I always hit the mark? No way… being human leaves me in a constant struggle for this balance- but with a clear goal (a simple virtue or mantra to live by) and a simple checklist I have seen much more success in this endeavor- the details of life become secondary as does my job, my apt, my “things” because how I define success is in the moment to moment- the journey not the destination.
I have surrounded myself with a tribe of people who feel the same way, work that allows and encourages me to this end, and I seek out new opportunities to explore the boundaries and to play with the edges of my Love practice.

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