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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Management skills for improved productivity and effectiveness

Whether you call yourself a ‘manager’ or not, success in business depends on how well you manage – not only other people but also meetings, time and yourself. You need to be effective as well as industrious – working smarter and getting more done with less effort and stress.

What’s most important, though, is how you manage relationships, and this is particularly true when you have others reporting to you. Technical ability is no longer enough. Interpersonal skills are required if you’re to get the best from people, especially if you operate in a multi-cultural environment. Appraisals, coaching and performance management skills are easier once you know how – and quickly picked up on a course. We can help you manage relationships effectively through a range of courses and techniques and take your management skills to a new level so you get the best results from yourself and your team.

Study Materials available for :

            . Time Management
            . Interviewing Skills
            . Emotional Intelligence

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